Scenario 2 Sustainable System Changeover

Welcome to a Sustainable Future. Explore Germany’s bold departure from traditional growth and competition in our Sustainable System Changeover scenario. Embrace a radical transformation prioritizing climate protection, regional value creation, and unconditional basic income. The government takes the lead as a key driver, fostering a shift towards sustainability.

Key Features:

  • Climate Priority: Departure from traditional growth paradigms in favor of climate protection.
  • Radical Transformation: A focus on common good orientation and diverse, socially balanced lifestyles.
  • Degrowth/Sufficiency Pathway: Embrace economic and ecological shifts, emphasizing reduced consumption.
  • Back to Basics Approach: Less work, ownership, and consumption, fostering community connections.
  • Cultural Change: Society evolves towards intergenerational justice, adapting lifestyles for sustainability.
  • System Change: Strong public sector involvement in restructuring infrastructures, emphasizing climate policies.

Why Choose This Scenario?

  • Diversity and Balance: Embrace freedom from uncertainty, critical consumption, and visible impact.
  • Evolutionary Social Innovations: Nurture a cultural shift towards sustainability and well-being.
  • Global Community: Foreign policy aims at creating a global community of values based on solidarity.

Digitalization and Sustainability:

  • Green Innovation Focus: Move towards sustainability-driven digitalization with a slower, risk-assessed approach.
  • Government Control: A centrally planned approach in a socialist system, prioritizing innovative, sustainable solutions.

Key Topics:

  • Federal Structure: Long-term vision, effective decision-making, and standardized education.
  • Autonomy: Regional focus on marine life, forests, and wildlife preservation.
  • Incentivizing Participation: Long-term planning space, digitalized government platforms, and unconditional basic income.
  • Deconstruction of Energy Systems: Shift to renewable electricity-based production, emphasizing climate and well-being.

In the News:

  • „The last steel factory shifts to renewable electricity-based production, marking a milestone in sustainable industry.“

Conflicts on the Journey:

  • Disconnection vs. external security.
  • Sufficiency path vs. social protection.
  • Identity diversity vs. common good.

Join us on this transformative journey towards a sustainable, innovative, and socially balanced future!


Rdawan Awad

Good News by Radwan Awad

Materials: Display screen capable of displaying 1080 x 1920 FUHD content at a minimum.  It contains USB ports necessary to play content.

Step into the future of 2045 with our AI-powered news experience! Dive into a captivating visual journey showcasing a climate-neutral Germany—picture it clean, self-sufficient, and energized by 100% clean power. Let the futuristic insights from our news anchor captivate your imagination!

Call Waiting by Yandia Miñana

Materials: Old telephone, 22.5 x 21.99 x 11.98cm, mobile phones, hot glue, waste from electronics store, 

The telephone symbolizes a call waiting to be answered. The voice focuses on the concept of degrowth through this scenario. It highlights the importance of upcycling, reusing and recycling old materials to address issues related to planned obsolescence and overproduction.

What do you think about how we as a society can develop solutions for this?

A trip down memory lane by Yandia Miñana


  1. “Guide papers”(scavenger hunt): ink on paper 14.85 x 21cm
  2. Photographs: Ink on paper 5 pieces 21 x 29.7cm
  3. Letter from the future: Ink on paper, 21 x 29.7cm
  4. A voting station: 4 pieces of  29.7 cm x 42 cm

This room takes you on a journey through the everyday lives of people in 2045.  

Immerse yourself in this scenario and explore a collection of photographs, a letter from a wise woman of the future, and a voting station.

Yandia Miñana

Neda Mokarami

Living Room 2045 by Neda Mokarami 

Materials: Acrylic paint on white fabric, Site-specific Installation of cut-outs, Ink on cardboard. Photo wall 360 x 220 cm, TV wall 343 x 220 cm, Window wall 200 x 220 cm

By using this simple layout we get a glimpse of what a living room of the future might be like and what kinds of items we could find there. This means to emphasize the headline for this scenario, degrowth.

Within this installation, presenting hand drawings of furniture and interior decor of a living room offers you a space for reflecting on the degrowth concept that characterizes this scenario of 2045.

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